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My thoughts on underage drinking down below.

When I was little I never really thought about underage drinking. As a matter of fact I really didn't know what underage drinking was or what drinking in general even was. When I started getting older I started to hear about underage drinking and I started to see it going on around me. I still wasn't very concerned but also I didn't really know if I should've be. About three years later I got into 7th grade and here I am making a website in English plus class about what I've always been interested in since I was little. Now if you want to really learn about underage drinking scroll down below.





What HAppens if you under age drink

1. It effects every organ in your body.

5. You can start failing school classes because of being hungover.

3. 2.5 million teens in 2014 reported underage drinking in one month.

4. Nearly 1.3 million people die on the road accidents.

2. Average 3,287 deaths a day.

6. Most underage drinking starts at the age 14.



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